If you want to know and join a club that helps our school and its students then you should
check out Girls Build.
Girls Build, is an organization that Los Altos High School is a part of through the “Los
Altos Girls Build Club”. The main purpose of this organization is to help empower women.
Girls Build members get the money they need by fundraising. The main goal of this club
is to help all students, especially women and have more inclusion in our school and society.
“One of the purposes is to empower high school girls, and eliminate those unnecessary
barriers for women.” said Constanza Loza, Los Altos girls build president.
You have probably seen carts of hygiene products around the campus, such as in some
classrooms and in the media center. Some people can recognize it as “Butterfly Carts”. That
project was implemented by the club.
“I believe that everyone has the right to have access to hygienic products and that is why
we want to help with that,” said Constanza.
Girls Build also has a purpose in assisting High School girls get opportunities in college.
They also want to create a society where women feel safe and united.
The officers of the club would like to expand the Butterfly Carts for the whole
community. and make a big impact by helping women that need it. Girls build currently has
about 30 members and they all collaborated to achieve their goals.
“This year we would like to expand and organize events to raise funds and make
donations. We want to have a big impact, not only in Los Altos, but also in our community.” said
To continue with these projects. Girls Build is making a great effort to complete this goal.
Girls Build wants to create an impact in our society and by doing things like Butterfly
Carts which help a lot of students at Los Altos High School. Girls Build is making a great effort
to achieve their main goal.