The Los Altos Drama Department recently performed their infamous Mission Improvable show performed by their advanced drama students. Mission Improvable was performed on Oct 4 2023 with two showtimes in the afternoon.
Los Altos advanced drama Coach, Carrie Peck said, “We have a very talented group of young students who have worked tirelessly to develop fresh improvised acting for this show.”
Advanced drama performed an improvised parody of their very own reality T.V. show titled ‘Actors in Paradise’ including multiple creative games that encourage actors to come up with their improvised scenarios based on completely randomized topics and characteristics.
Los Altos’ young actors put together multiple improv-based games beginning with Jade Shailor introducing the improv game, ‘The Bus’. Reenacted with seven people, coming in minutes after another, each introducing a random persona.
‘The Bus’ was one of the many games advanced drama played while displaying their impressive acting capabilities. Creativity along with their hard work, while performing this show, kept the audience engaged and entertained.
“Every single one of our actors is a leader, every one of them is unique, and caring,” said Carrie Peck, “I think the audience will be able to see that once they enter the room and see our show.”
Students said advanced drama has helped them feel at home with a group of people when typically feeling out of place in other groups or places.
“Students should definitely join our drama department, I feel so at home in that class, I feel very comfortable. Last year as a Freshman, they felt like my second family, it felt so amazing. It’s truly such a welcoming environment,” said Jazmin Sandoval, a sophomore drama student.